Friends COS calendar

A subset of the Friends of the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with the mission of preservation, restoration, and interpretation of CTSRR historic assets. The Springs group is primarily involved in restoration. See below for blog archive of older postings.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Parallel projects (January 23, 2010)

Worksite preparation and car restoration are now considered separate projects, although we all may be working on one or the other at different times depending on need.  We received the correct poles for the shelter structure this week, and have begun the process of setting them so that they will be stable and not sink into the ground under load.  In the upper photo the project engineers are conferring as to the best way to accomplish this, as well as waiting for the ground to thaw a bit.  The sunny side (shown) is not too bad, but the other side is in the shade, and will be somewhat more fun.  The photo below on the right shows the hard working crew preparing the foundation.

We welcomed two newbies, Tom and Ray (not Click and Clack) in the photo, above, left.  They are Tom Fitzgerald and Ray Hoppe who are working on the car restoration project today.  They have been removing old wood which will need replacing, as well as showing more details about the construction of the car.  On the right is a portion of the plan in the area that they are working.  They and Craig also began removing more of the clerestory windows, most of which are original, with etched glass.  Some have been replaced with plain glass, but all will be etched when we are done.  To be continued....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January thaw (sort of) 1/9/10

It was a sunny but cool day for the first work session of the new year.  We received a large box of tubing for the shelter (on the left, above), but some of the pieces are the wrong size and will have to be returned.  Nevertheless, Bob continued with preparation of the post holes on the sunny side of the car (right, above), that were only partially frozen.

Meanwhile, dismantling of the car interior continued, with removal of the windows and window trim (above, left).  Craig (above, right) is carefully stacking what has been removed.  We are covering the windows with plastic to provide some protection from the cold, assuming the shelter won't be completed in the near future. 
We can use space heaters inside the car to improve the work environment.

Rich (above, left) is removing old nails from the lumber that has been removed.  Duncan (above, right) is making the "storm windows" for the car.

The two photos above show detail of one of the boards removed from between the windows.  On the left is the interior side showing the milling that is present throughout the interior of the car.  On the right is the reverse side of the same board showing the number "470" written in pencil.  Several boards with this number have been found which leads us to conclude that 470 is the original number of the car.

More later.


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