We continued fitting the bolts through the steel angles and the inner sills, and were able to get things lined up without further drilling (or re-drilling) of the holes in the sills. Nuts were placed on most of the bolts. There are two bolts that were short that went through the splices, that will have to be ordered. Everything seems to be nice and straight, and like Bob said, it is like walking on a sidewalk now. Next will be fitting the blocks and brackets between the inner and intermediate sills. These likely will have to be individually cut and fitted.
Meanwhile John continued work on the pattern for the steel pieces that go over the doorways on each end. There will be essentially a "cage" of steel at each end of the car to provide rigidity as well as the steel running the length of the car.
Two men from the company that we have been negotiating with to fabricate the steel visited the site to better understand out plans, and are interested in participating in the project.