The first work session was a scheduled open house in conjunction with the Streetcar Museum. We were greeted with about a foot of snow, so paths had to be cleared for guests to access the areas.
Everyone chipped in with whatever implements were available to move the snow out of the way. I believe it is Bob with the shovel on the left and Don with the wheelbarrow.
Displays were set up in the car and here John is showing a guest what it will look like when done. Behind John are some drawings of the car.
The most obvious change in appearance in March was the beginning of the installation of the roof decking. The boards were oiled prior to installation at Jim's shop. He is on the left in this photo and was a professional cabinet maker so is a valuable addition to our group. Ron and John also helped with the oiling.
After oiling the boards were moved out into the sun to dry. If the shop looks like an airplane hanger, it is. It is located at a small airport nearby.
Old nail and screw holes in the carlines were filled before nailing the new boards on. Here Lenny is hard at work.
This photo shows the holes filled and sanded, ready for new nails. The fascia and one row of boards have been installed in this view as well.
The chop saw was set up in the car to cut the roof boards to length. Bob is doing the honors at this time.

The boards are then handed up to the crew on the scaffold to be nailed in place. Jim's nail gun provides consistency in nailing as well as minimizing damage to the boards.

Here is the view from below. Visible progress, eh?
More platform boards were cut to complete the platforms around the car to support workers and the scaffolding to work on the roof. Bob and Ron are teaming up here.
On the May 11 posting there was a photo of the new outer sill showing a misalignment of the sill relative to the bolster, with the sill inboard from the tip of the bolster. So the sill needs to be shifted outward, which John and Bill K. are attempting to do here with a hydraulic jack. Also, it means that the framing braces must be redone as well in that segment of the sill.
It also means that some of the tie rods must be lengthened to fit the new (original) width of the car. In this photo Ron is threading rods for replacement.
Also in March, drilling continued for installing the bolsters. They will be bolted to the outer sills, and holes in the wood need to be aligned with the holes in the steel. The best way to do that is to drill using the holes in the steel as a guide, but that involves defying gravity. So our team got creative with the magnetic drill, not relying completely on the magnet.
This photo shows the business end of the drill passing through the steel bolster and into the wood.
Again, many thanks to Tom Simco and Glen Hall for sharing their photos.