Bill and Jim are doing the honors on top. The lower roof is done and they are installing the decking on the clerestory.
Craig is the "cutter," cutting the boards to length and handing them up to the pair on the scaffold.
Meanwhile, John is drilling holes for the bolts for the truss rod bracket on the northwest corner, again defying gravity. His help disappeared to take this picture.

It is now July 1, an extra work session, and the clerestory decking is finishing up. In the photo on the left, above, Don and Bob are in the heat in the top of the tent. On the right there is a small strip to go.
By the next work session in July, John is putting lock nuts on the truss rod bracket bolts.
On the corners of the car roof there are compound curves, both toward the end of the car as well as to the side. Therefore flexible material must be used to cover these areas. Flexible plywood was cut into strips and fastened to the framing. Two layers were applied with the strips offset by half the width so the seams didn't align. Here Don is stapling the strips down.
After fastening the strips down, filler was applied to fill the seams. It will then be sanded after it is dry.
Trim pieces that Craig had made were installed as shown here.
Finally, the roof decking is done. It really changes the appearance and feel of the car when one walks into it.