November was a transitional month with the lower framing largely complete. Preparations were made for work on the upper part of the car as well as continuing with installation of floor spacers and tie rods. New plates were fabricated to attach to the inner sills on the west end. Those on the east end are still usable.
This is a view of the inner sills on the east end showing the plates extending from the end sill toward the center of the car.
A closeup of the east bolster area. One bolt is still present in the side plate on the left.
Cutting the new plate to size.
Cutting a notch for the horizontal tie rod.
One new plate in place. Notches were made for the bolster in the upper part of the photo and the horizontal tie rod in the lower part.
This shows the tie rod better inside of the end sill.
After the side plates were installed spacers were placed which were a different size than in the rest of the car.
Another view of the spacers. They were made by laminating 2 inch boards.
Platforms were planned along both sides of the car to work on the upper part. First the car was centered in the structure using pipe rollers.
Not sure what the outer end of the come-along was attached to...
Care was taken to insure the care remained level and square. In this photo they are measuring a diagonal.
Fitting of the fascia board over the east door.
Work was begun on the side platforms by installing temporary rails on the side of the car. These are at the same height as the horizontal pipe of the shelter behind John so that the platform will be level.
Yup, it is level!
Craig has made the platform supports that will attach to the car rail and rest on the shelter pipe.
This photo shows the platform supports in place.
The platform supports are hooked onto the rail by beveled surfaces.
Work continued on the plate on the north side of the west end center sill.
Again, notched out for the bolster as well as the tie rod.
Looks good!
The plates were then attached to the center sills with lag bolts.