Friends COS calendar

A subset of the Friends of the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with the mission of preservation, restoration, and interpretation of CTSRR historic assets. The Springs group is primarily involved in restoration. See below for blog archive of older postings.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


We had a relatively small crew this day, but work proceeded on threading truss rods as well as removing roof decking and site clean-up.  Each work session more construction details become apparent to us.  On the left, above, a bolt head is visible on the face of the sill at the roof junction which appears to be a lag bolt.  However, in the photo on the right, above, it can be seen that there are nuts on these bolts that have been inset into the roof support.

In the photo on the left, above, John is making some adjustments to wiring (temporary), while Glenn, our chronicler and resident structural engineer looks on.  The wood stacked next to John consists of framing pieces that Craig has made to replace ones in that corner of the car as the lower (deteriorated) sill plate is replaced.  On the right, above, it can be seen that the sill at the roof edge at the junction with the wall is bevelled on the inside to conform to the curvature of the ceiling so that there was a smooth transition between wall and ceiling.

Finally, at the end of the canopies, the framing members are dovetailed together as shown in the above photos.  In addition, the side member is beveled to take the end fascia, also beveled to make a well detailed corner.

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